Code of Conduct for Super Recognisers

As a member of the Association of Super Recognisers you must, when called on to assist the police, government agency or any other public or private investigation:

1.     Acknowledge, in the same manner as those concerned with finding forensic evidence, that your overriding duty is to the court and to the administration of justice.

2.     Act with honesty, integrity, objectivity and impartiality, being independently minded and producing all relevant images of those involved in an offence or incident, so that the submitting agency and any future court hearing will have the benefit of impartial identification evidence.

3.     Comply with the legal obligations, including Human Rights legislation, Codes of Practice or other legal or police guidelines, enacted in the jurisdiction(s) in which you practice or where the case originated.

4.     Take all reasonable steps to maintain and develop your professional competence when using any viewing equipment, acting in conformity with any related Standard Operating Procedures.

5.     Treat all video footage, images or other related data as evidence and ensure that there is no unauthorised disclosure or breaches of data protection or privacy legislation imposed in the jurisdiction(s) in which you practice or where footage originates. 

6.     Act in compliance with any Data Protection Impact Assessment or similar document relating to the case.

7.     Preserve confidentiality unless the law obliges, a court or tribunal orders, or a customer explicitly authorises disclosure.  

8.     Inform a supervisor as soon as possible, if it suspected that any other person has acted dishonestly, breached a law or Code of Practice (including this code) or has made an unauthorised or unlawful disclosure of data or images.