Super Recogniser Online Training Course for 2024

The next Super Recogniser training courses will be held on-line, via Zoom, on 27th to the 29th Feb and 18th to the 20th June from 10am to 5pm each day (UK time) for the first two days and 10am – 1.30pm on the last.  Finish times are flexible as some students may wish to take longer than others on examinations.  The Zoom link will be supplied once payment has been made.

Click here to book your place on the course.

The cost of the course is as follows:

·       For members of the Association, who have completed the Greenwich University testing and supply their results: £250 (inclusive of VAT)

·       For members of the Association, who have NOT completed the Greenwich University testing: £315 (inclusive of VAT).  Please request the test link.

·       For students who are NOT members of the Association, but who have completed the Greenwich University testing and supply their results: £330 (inclusive of VAT)

·       For students who are NOT members of the Association and who have NOT completed the Greenwich University testing: £395 (inclusive of VAT)

Email for further details.

A discount is given to Association members. Click here to join the ASR and obtain a discount.

Covert Exercise Weekend


3rd & 4th June 2023 - CENTRAL LONDON

Experience live exercises and learn Super Recogniser surveillance techniques on this brand new, two-day course. Designed to enhance the skills of Super Recognisers, this informative, fast-moving and exhilarating course will give you a flavour of working in the field, identifying ‘targets’ and carrying out covert surveillance. There will be classroom-based learning, giving you the skills to work on a covert operation. During the weekend we will be putting both your innate and newly-learned skills to the test, with live exercises in Central London. The course will be run by Mike Neville, CEO of SRI Ltd and former DCI at New Scotland Yard, and Kelly Desborough, COO of SRI Ltd and the world’s most experienced civilian Super Recogniser.

Who is the course for?

Anyone who is interested in learning more about the covert work of Super Recognisers and immersing themselves in live exercises can attend. Members of the Association of Super Recognisers and Qualified Super Recognisers are most welcome and we would encourage your participation to further your experience in the field. You must be physically fit enough to participate in fast-moving surveillance operations within the busy streets of Central London. There may be some travel required on the London Underground. Good communication skills are essential as you will be working within a team to identify and follow targets.

Course Details - What’s included:

Date: Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th June 2023.

Location: Central London (exact location given with joining details).

Hours: approx. 0930 - 1700 each day

Classroom learning and activities: Surveillance techniques, communications, behavioural analysis/detection refresher, how covert operations work, briefings.

Live Operations: We will run live operations on both days, working in teams out on the streets and putting into practice what you have learned. Pair this with your Super Recogniser skills for realistic, fast-paced, adrenaline-filled exercises and surprises along the way.

You will need to provide your own food, transport and accommodation.


£295: Non-members

£275: Members of The Association of Super Recognisers

£250: Qualified Licenced Super Recognisers

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 10% discount for early bird bookings - book on or before SUNDAY 23rd APRIL 2023.

Places are limited on this brand new course, please book early to avoid disappointment. If you would like to book your place on the course, please contact Gemma at For any questions or further information, please get in touch with Kelly at

On Line Super Recogniser courses - new dates

Due to the popularity of our Super Recogniser on-line courses, I have added new dates. In addition to the courses already arranged for 25-27 May and 7-9 Sep, there will be a further course: 30 Nov - 2 Dec. All are welcome. You may be involved in security, law enforcement, CCTV, the military OR just interested in being a Super Recogniser. Pre-testing can conducted if you wish to check your skill level before signing up.

Super Recognisers in India

Super Recognisers Course - First time in India

Date and Time - The free introductory session will be held on 19th April (Monday) 2.00 to 3.00 PM (Indian time). OR 9.30pm to 10.30am (UK)

Who is a Super Recogniser? - Super recognisers are people with extraordinarily good facial recognition abilities. From spotting important customers to terror suspects/troublemakers in a crowd (rally, cricket match etc.), Super Recognisers can be very useful in various areas. For the police and defence forces, this would be a wonderful ability to develop and enhance.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 9135 0624
Passcode: 190421

Take this test - Here is an interesting test that determines whether a person can enhance his/her Super Recogniser abilities.

Exclusive Offer - Discount on SIA CCTV Courses

The Association has partnered with CCTV Training limited, who are offering a 10% discount to members on CCTV courses, including on-line updates. CCTV Training is headed by surveillance camera expert, Gordon Tyerman, who advises the SIA and Surveillance Camera Commissioner.

CCTV Training - CCTV courses for SIA Licence

Super Recogniser Open Source Intelligence Course

The Association have partnered with OSINT Combine to deliver to our members a bespoke open source intelligence course at a discounted price. You can develop your investigative abilities and learn to operate in a covert environment. This course is available to Association members ONLY.

Full details on this link:

ASR Open Source Intelligence Fundementals | OSINT Combine Academy

Feedback - February Course

The February on-line course was attended by 34 students from four continents - Australia and Europe, together with North and South America.

The top scoring student was Daniel from England, he stated:

“Overall I found the course to be extremely in-depth for its 3 day turn around and provided excellent insight into the world of super recognition and its benefits whilst also teaching basic behavioural analysis, laws and report writing which are all vital in this particular field of surveillance. I found the all the talks from active super recognisers and experts within the field to be immensely useful and helped provide a real glimpse into the expected life and careers of being a super recogniser.”

Germán from Barcelona - “I found the course extremely valuable. Not only do you assess your potential as a Super Recogniser but you also learn all the legal things that are relevant to this job. Mike delivers a very good training course and participants also get to learn from other professionals, who are experts in their field. I particularly enjoyed the insight given by Kelly, who really brings alive what it is like to do such an interesting job. Everything was very nicely explained.”

Manuella from Brazil - “Taking part of the Course was a unique experience, once besides possibility of interaction with people from different places of the world and having similar skills, learning about super recognition was crucial. The speeches, which involved scientific and practical aspects regarding to Super-recognisers, were carried out brightly by qualified professionals, and that work in the field of super recognition in some way. It was worth getting involved in the Course and having discovered new things about this huge universe and full of possibilities.”

The next on-line courses are 25th-27th May and 7th-9th September. Association members are entitled to a discount.

Courses 2021

The February course has proved very popular and is now full. Further courses will be held on-line 25th-27th May and 7th-9th September. If Covid restrictions permit such, a face to face course may be held in late 2021.

Email for details and costs.

A discount is given to Association members and those who have completed the Greenwich University tests (with a Z Score).

Course Feedback

Here is some feedback from our on-line courses.  Our students are from across the world.

Sean from Wales - “The course was not only enjoyable but also invaluable to any anybody interested in this field of work. It gives an excellent foundation in the necessary laws and codes of conduct to ensure your work is of the highest standard and the speakers were each excellent and gave brilliant insights into their field of expertise. It is a course I highly recommend it to anyone who has not yet taken the chance to take part.”

 Pascal from Germany – “The course was successfully organized, well structured, and highly informative. All speakers are experts in their particular field. They conveyed much information and much to learn, it was a pleasure to take part. Even for a non-native speaker like me everything was comprehensible and was well explained at an appropriate pace. If you are looking for the highest standard of Super Recognition skills identification, there is currently no better course for it. I highly recommend this course to those who want to get tested professionally whether they have Super Recognition skills and to everyone interested in this particular field.”

 Adele from England - "I found the course extremely interesting and engaging. It was well paced and the timings of the sessions were good, nothing felt rushed. There was time to ask questions, and… everyone got the opportunity to be heard if they had a question. The course layout with additional presenters made for a varied and interesting format.”

Detective Inspector Steve Jones, Thames Valley Police (regarding a course for his Force) - “During times of austerity, where we need to make best use of our resources and spend wisely – what better than to utilise the skills our officers and staff already possess! The use of Super Recognisers to link offences, to enhance the process of serious crime CCTV reviews, to spot potential offenders in a crowd before they commit offences are just some of the great ways Super Recognisers can be used. And it’s not just limited to Police Officers! We also have staff from departments such as CCTV and Control Room, so it really is an inclusive role.”

SRI On-Line Super Recogniser Course 1st-3rd December 2020

An on-line version of the SRI Course is to be run in December 2020 - dates as above. A discounted price is available for Association members.

The aim of the course is to select and qualify Super Recognisers to the standard, where they can apply to be Licentiates of the Association of Super Recognisers.   The objectives of the course are as follows:

To complete final testing to identify short term, long term and crowd identification Super Recogniser skills.

To ensure students have a knowledge of legal, evidential & data protection issues relating to Super Recognisers (some sections relate to UK and EU law, but generic rules will apply to all jurisdictions and US and Australian law is noted)

To enhance Super Recognisers with behavioural detection training.

To brief Super Recognisers on current threats and crime trends.

To train Super Recognisers in operational tactics.

To test these abilities by realistic exercises.

Full details of the course and costs can be obtained from