International Regulation of Automated Facial Recognition

Countries across the world are cracking down on the unregulated use of computerised automated facial recognition by law enforcement agencies. This website shows the various developments in the EU, Argentina, the US and other nations:

Archives des Facial Recognition - MIAI (

As Super Recognisers, we can help to make automated facial recognition perform better and, most importantly, work in a more ethical way - with human intervention. A legal requirement in the UK under the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s Code. This is the same in other nations.

The US agency NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) has noted that:

"The data…shows that combining the latest algorithm and a super-recogniser…leads to near-perfect performance"

Calling all Turkish Super Recognisers OR Süper Tanıyıcılar

If you speak Turkish or are a Super Recogniser based in Turkey, this article will be of interest to you. Mike Neville interviewed by a journalist from DHA.

Emekli Scotland Yard polis müdürü Neville, ‘süper tanıma yetenekli polisleri’ DHA’ya anlattı - Dünya haberleri

The original interview (in English) can be seen here:

Super Recogniser Message Spreads to New Zealand

Interest in Super Recognisers spreads across the globe and our CEO, Mike Neville, was interviewed by popular New Zealand radio station NewsTalk ZB on 3rd January (or the 4th if you live on the other side of the world!).. He offered his services to the NZ Police Force, who would no doubt benefit from knowing the Super Recognisers within its ranks. The interview can be heard at this link:

The gifted 'super recognisers' who can never forget a face (

Good luck to PCSO Andy Pope!

Association member and Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Andy Pope of the West Midlands Police, which covers the region around Birmingham in England, has received great publicity for his aim to identify 2500 suspect from images. Andy’s exceptional work shows the value of Super Recognisers to law enforcement. The Association wishes him the best of luck - criminals in the West Midlands, beware!

Report on Super Recognisers On-Line Course 1-3 Dec2020


Following on from the course for Thames Valley Police, the first on-line open-to-all course was held 1st – 3rd December 2020.  AND it was an international affair, with twenty-eight students from UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Canada, Singapore and the USA.


The course consisted of presentations on Super Recognisers tactics and deployments and crimes solved, together with a review of the important laws and regulations relating to data protection, privacy and identification of suspects.


Particularly popular were talks on the future of crime, including how Super Recognisers could be operating in 2030, and Kelly’s Hearsey’s presentation on her career as a Super Recogniser. Kelly outlined the police investigations and strange enquiries she has been involved in, including establishing the truth behind the “Paul is Dead” Beatles conspiracy theory and working with the international media to crack cases.


All the students faced a variety of tests from Professor Josh Davies and his team from Greenwich University.   The course ended with a fun exercise – the scenario involved a gang of thieves who had stolen plans for a VIP visit.  Was there to be a terrorist attack or a kidnapping??  Could the Super Recognisers save the day?  Yes, they certainly did!


Some excellent feedback was received, with Sean from South Wales noting, “The course was not only enjoyable but also invaluable to any anybody interested in this field of work. It gives an excellent foundation in the necessary laws and codes of conduct to ensure your work is of the highest standard and the speakers were each excellent and gave brilliant insights into their field of expertise. It is a course I highly recommend it to anyone who has not yet taken the chance to take part.”


Adele from Kent added, "I found the course extremely interesting and engaging. It was well paced and the timings of the sessions were good, nothing felt rushed. There was time to ask questions, and… everyone got the opportunity to be heard if they had a question. The course layout with additional presenters made for a varied and interesting format.”


The next on-line course (run in UK time) is Tuesday 23rd February to Thursday 25th February 2021.   Contact     Members of the Association are entitled to discounted prices.

Super Recognisers & the Security Industry

Mike Neville was interviewed by Houdah Al-Hakim CSMP of Quick Click Security regarding the use of Super Recognisers in security roles.

Quick Click Security is a digital platform centralising access to jobs, training, resources, knowledge and networks for all those in or wanting to join the private security industry.

The full interview can be viewed via this link:

Quick Click Security talks to Mick Neville on our latest #talkaboutitTuesdays - YouTube

A New Challenge for Super Recognisers - Fake Faces

Criminals use morphed and AI created faces to create false identities. Super Recognisers could be used to match these faces if they appear on multiple websites or identification documents. Read about this issue in the New York Times and see how easy it is to manipulate and changes faces (age, gender, ethnicity and mood):

Thames Valley Police Course Success!

In late November, a second group of officers from Thames Valley Police took part in a Super Recognisers selection and training course.  Thames Valley is a large provincial force, which covers three English counties – Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire.  This was the first time the course had been run entirely online, with Super Recognisers International Ltd delivering what Detective Inspector Steve Jones described as “a really informative and beneficial product for our staff to test their skills in the art of Super Recognition.”


The thirteen police students were tested on their ability to recognise and memorise faces from a range of moving and still images. The results were recorded and scientifically analysed by a team from Greenwich University headed by Professor Josh Davis, who updated the course on his latest research.  Super Recogniser ability is rated by a ‘Z’ score. On this course, students ranged from -10 to +3.  A score of 0.5 or over results in classification as a Super Recogniser and anything above one is excellent - Sergeant Nick Perks from Aylesbury, scored +3.52. The course lead, retired Detective Chief Inspector Mike Neville, described him as being “Exceptional…..a super super recogniser!”


The feedback from the course was very positive, and included comments such as:


“I…found the course incredibly informative and interesting. It was fascinating hearing about the use of SRs from an investigative point of view and something I’ll be taking away for the future.”


“I have thoroughly enjoyed it and got loads from it.”


DI Jones added “During times of austerity, where we need to make best use of our resources and spend wisely – what better than to utilise the skills our officers and staff already possess! The use of Super Recognisers to link offences, to enhance the process of serious crime CCTV reviews, to spot potential offenders in a crowd before they commit offences are just some of the great ways Super Recognisers can be used. And it’s not just limited to Police Officers! We also have staff from departments such as CCTV and Control Room, so it really is an inclusive role.”


Lord Lingfield, the Chairman of the Association of Super Recognisers stated that “It is wonderful to see Thames Valley Police making use of super recognisers to enhance their crime fighting capacity. I look forward to conferring upon Detective Inspector Jones the Honorary Fellowship of the Association of Super Recogniser to acknowledge his exemplary work in promoting this new field of policing.”


Thames Valley Police have plans for a further course in 2021 and a number of staff are already on the waiting list.    Any police force, military unit or security company wishing to hold a similar bespoke course for their staff should contact Mike at to discuss dates and prices. 


Individual officers or members of the public can book a place on the next open-to-all on-line course, which will be held 23rd to 25th February 2021.   Members of the Association are entitled to a discounted price.



Association Presentation Day - Date to be Agreed

Given the on-going uncertainty regarding the impact of Covid 19 on travel, especially international flights, the Presentation Day scheduled for 4th February 2021 has been cancelled. A new date will be arranged for later in 2021, when the issues regarding travel have become clearer. The CEO apologises to all concerned.