UK Surveillance Camera Commissioner on Live Facial Recognition

In this article, the Surveillance Camera Commissioner, Prof Fraser Sampson, makes it clear that British law enforcement agencies need to make a stronger case for the use of live computerised facial recognition.

Facial recognition needs a stronger case in law enforcement - Tech Monitor

Association Presentation Day 2022

All those who have completed a Super Recogniser course in 2021/22 should note that the certificates will be presented by Lord Lingfield on 1 Dec at 1.45pm at 86 St James’s Street, London SW1A 1PL. Each recipient can bring two guests. The following awards will be presented:

Super Recogniser licences

Super Matcher licences

Course attendance

Honorary Fellows

There will be tea and cakes following the presentation. The event will be completed by 4pm. For those interested, Mike Neville will be running a Crime Walk of London in the evening and possibly a live exercise during the following day - details to follow. Those wishing to receive their certificate via the post MUST email and confirm their current address. It is hoped that most course attendees will be able to receive their award in person.

Email Issues

We are currently experiencing technical issues with our email addresses. Please use the email address whilst we work to find a resolution.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. If we have not replied to a message within 48 hours please resend to the above email address.

Thank you

Report on the International Use of Super Recognisers

This report by US on-line magazine “Mental Floss” features details on the police use of Super Recognisers in UK, Germany and Australia and features comments from our CEO, together with Honorary Fellows, Prof Josh Davis and Senior Sgt Chris Tritton of Queensland Police. When will there will be a Super Recogniser (Recognizer!) Unit in the United States? Which American law enforcement agency will be the first to use this new tactic to make communities safer?

The article:

Super Recogniser Andy Pope Appears on German TV Quiz Show

Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) Andy Pope of the West Midlands Police in England is a well-known Super Recogniser. He has featured in various media articles covering his exceptional ability to spot criminals whilst on duty in Birmingham. Andy was also made an Honorary Fellow of the Association following his 2000th identification. This week he featured on the prime-time German TV Quiz Show “Kaum Zu Glauben” (Hard to Believe), where a panel attempts to guess the unusual jobs held by the participants. The show can be seen on this link:

Super Recognition Presentation - Belfast, N Ireland

The Association’s CEO is honoured to be speaking about Super Recognisers at the Security Twenty 22 Conference at the Europa Hotel, Belfast, Northern Ireland on 6th September. The conference is an excellent event for any involved in security or policing. More details on the website:

Specially Designed Masks Defeat Facial Recognition Software

Many computerised facial recognition systems (FRS) can identify persons of interest even though they are wearing a mask. This is very important for security and law enforcement across the globe, as the use of face coverings is still prevalent following on from the Covid 19 pandemic. Researchers in Israel, however, created specially designed masks which defeated several types of FRS. Terrorists and criminals will be quick to use this tactic to evade identification and arrest.

The Association notes that, once again, the need for human Super Recognisers to combine with and enhance FRS is clearly demonstrated.

Read the full article here:

Researchers defeat facial recognition systems with universal face mask - Help Net Security

New Novel Features Super Recogniser - "Black Wolf"

A New York Times best-selling author is to release a new book, “Black Wolf”, which features the skill of Super Recognition. The release date is 14th February 2023.

From the article - Next year, there will be a new, stand-alone (thus far) espionage thriller from Kathleen Kent, the author of the excellent Detective Betty Rhyzyk series. Black Wolf sounds really interesting: an espionage thriller set during the final years of the Cold War thriller, it stars a CIA agent with a particular and peculiar skill: she is a “super recognizer”.

Read full details at this link:

Upcoming: BLACK WOLF by Kathleen Kent (Mulholland/Head of Zeus) | Civilian Reader

The Association wishes Kathleen the best success with Black Wolf.

Innocent Man Freed After Seventeen Years in Prison - Could Super Recognisers Have Helped?

Richard Jones was convicted of aggravated robbery in Kansas City, USA in 2000 and sentenced to seventeen years imprisonment - on the basis of eye-witness testimony alone. He was picked out by witnesses and convicted, despite there being no physical evidence such as DNA or fingerprints.

His appeals were refused, but he found his own “doppelganger” in the prison where he was serving his sentence. Jones has now been freed and compensated by the State of Kansas. The two men could be twins…but Super Recognisers would be able to tell them apart.

See the article and see what differences you can spot!

Man wrongfully convicted for doppelganger's crime awarded $1.1 million - ABC News (