SRI On-Line Super Recogniser Course 1st-3rd December 2020

An on-line version of the SRI Course is to be run in December 2020 - dates as above. A discounted price is available for Association members.

The aim of the course is to select and qualify Super Recognisers to the standard, where they can apply to be Licentiates of the Association of Super Recognisers.   The objectives of the course are as follows:

To complete final testing to identify short term, long term and crowd identification Super Recogniser skills.

To ensure students have a knowledge of legal, evidential & data protection issues relating to Super Recognisers (some sections relate to UK and EU law, but generic rules will apply to all jurisdictions and US and Australian law is noted)

To enhance Super Recognisers with behavioural detection training.

To brief Super Recognisers on current threats and crime trends.

To train Super Recognisers in operational tactics.

To test these abilities by realistic exercises.

Full details of the course and costs can be obtained from