Course Feedback

Here is some feedback from our on-line courses.  Our students are from across the world.

Sean from Wales - “The course was not only enjoyable but also invaluable to any anybody interested in this field of work. It gives an excellent foundation in the necessary laws and codes of conduct to ensure your work is of the highest standard and the speakers were each excellent and gave brilliant insights into their field of expertise. It is a course I highly recommend it to anyone who has not yet taken the chance to take part.”

 Pascal from Germany – “The course was successfully organized, well structured, and highly informative. All speakers are experts in their particular field. They conveyed much information and much to learn, it was a pleasure to take part. Even for a non-native speaker like me everything was comprehensible and was well explained at an appropriate pace. If you are looking for the highest standard of Super Recognition skills identification, there is currently no better course for it. I highly recommend this course to those who want to get tested professionally whether they have Super Recognition skills and to everyone interested in this particular field.”

 Adele from England - "I found the course extremely interesting and engaging. It was well paced and the timings of the sessions were good, nothing felt rushed. There was time to ask questions, and… everyone got the opportunity to be heard if they had a question. The course layout with additional presenters made for a varied and interesting format.”

Detective Inspector Steve Jones, Thames Valley Police (regarding a course for his Force) - “During times of austerity, where we need to make best use of our resources and spend wisely – what better than to utilise the skills our officers and staff already possess! The use of Super Recognisers to link offences, to enhance the process of serious crime CCTV reviews, to spot potential offenders in a crowd before they commit offences are just some of the great ways Super Recognisers can be used. And it’s not just limited to Police Officers! We also have staff from departments such as CCTV and Control Room, so it really is an inclusive role.”