Assistance with Super Recogniser Research @ Birkbeck, University

Abirami Jeyachandran, master’s student at the Department of Psychological Sciences at Birkbeck, University of London. Currently working on a research project under the supervision of Professor Martin Eimer.

Abirami requires super recognisers for a study,  which aims to increase the understanding of their cognitive bases of face recognition.

This study involves one 60-minute testing session in which the participant will be given five computer-based tests, looking at faces, objects and colours. People generally find them interesting and fun to be involved in scientific research. The study will take place at the Henry Wellcome Building at Birbeck, University of London. The testing will be conducted during the months April and May of this year and I am flexible to the participant’s availability.

The participant has the right to end their participation in the study at any time, for any reason and if the participant chooses to withdraw, all the information they provided will be destroyed.

As a token of appreciation, the participant will be provided £15 for their participation.

The participant’s responses to the questions will be kept confidential. Each testing session will be assigned a number code to help ensure that personal identifiers are not revealed during the analysis and write up of findings. The ethics protocol for this project was reviewed by Birkbeck, University of London which provided clearance to carry out the research.

Contact: Abirami Jeyachandran at