Covert Patrol Operatives x 6 @ SRI

We require six professional, qualified (LSRA) Super Recognisers to deploy on a covert operation at the Arena Birmingham. You will be patrolling with members of West Midlands Police who specialise in pick pockets. This is a ‘concept’ operation to establish the feasibility of using Super Recognisers at major events within the NEC Group. We will be given intelligence seven days before the operation and fed further last-minute intel should it come to light. IMPORTANT – this gig will attract a certain demographic of audience member so it is essential that you would be able to blend in with the crowd. Please look at the band ‘Alter Bridge’ and decide if this is for you before applying. We regret that we are unable to pay a full wage for this job as we are supplying our staff free-of-charge to the venue for this trial. However, we hope that should this operation be a success, we are confident of moving forward with this group of venues to cover a variety of large events in the future.