Thames Valley Police expand the use of Super Recognisers

Thames Valley Police cover the English counties of Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire. The latest edition of “Thamesview”, the Force magazine, features an article on the use of Super Recognisers. Detective Inspector Steve Jones of the Serious & Organised Crime Unit is keen to use Super Recognisers and has already sent a number of his officers onto the Super Recognisers International course. Steve said; “We have been working with the Joint Operations Unit and Force Intelligence Bureau in TVP to increase the use of Super Recognisers in areas such as public order. We’re also keen to develop a central team in the intelligence function to review images of unidentified offenders across the force area in an effort to identify them and bring them to justice”. He continued; “There are also plans to work with Counter Terrorism Policing to identify subjects who may be involved in terrorist activity. Over and above this, there are opportunities to work in the digital arena, such as identifying victims whose images have been shared online.”

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