Super Recogniser Success in Stuttgart!

A suspect involved in rioting in Stuttgart was identified by a German Police Super Recogniser. The article below has been translated into English. Congratulations to the Stuttgart Police on embracing this new law enforcement tactic!

More arrest warrants after the night of the riots

Stuttgart - And again the handcuffs click: Three other alleged participants in the Stuttgart Randalenacht on June 21 have been sent into custody by a judge. They are three 18-year-olds. The Eckensee Investigation Group has thus identified more than 80 suspects. In just over half of the cases, the Public Prosecutor's Office has obtained an arrest warrant, a good part of which has since been suspended.

One was recognised by a so-called Super Recogniser on Thursday night. The officer with a trained memory saw the 18-year-old, who is known to the police and who was already being searched, by chance at the main station. The official was there privately. The homeless man is said to have smashed a shop window and threw a bottle at it.

Many suspects - but one is still missing

On 3 September, another 18-year-old went online. He, too, is said to have been involved in the riots and looting. He was wanted on a warrant for allegedly damaging shop windows and throwing a bottle. A judge sent him into custody. On 4 September, police arrested an 18-year-old from the district of Biberach. He is accused of looting goods and damaging a patrol car in a shop. He, too, is now behind bars.

Investigations are continuing against those involved in the looting. However, one suspect is still missing from the list: the attacker who attacked a police officer with a kickboxer kick is still unknown.