Martyn's Law - Super Recognisers can help to prevent attacks

This month, the UK government will begin to consult the public on the introduction of “Martyn’s Law”. This is named after Martyn Hett - one of the victims of the Manchester Arena terrorist attack, which resulted in 22 deaths after a concert in May 2017.

The Manchester Evening News reports that “Private and public owners of venues and sites currently have no obligation to act on free advice given to them from specialist counter-terrorism advisers about threats of a terrorist attack and how to mitigate the risk. Ministers announced new 'Protect Duty' legislation, which builds on the proposals for Martyn's Law…”. Full story on the link.

The standard of security and policing at the event was strongly condemned by lawyers representing the bereaved families. See this report by the BBC:

Manchester Arena Inquiry: Failures 'fundamental and chronic' - BBC News (

The Association of Super Recognisers will ensure that the government is aware of the value of SRs in the fight against terrorism. We will be involved in the consultation.

Public consultation over 'Martyn's Law' counter-terrorism legislation due to start next month - Manchester Evening News