Thames Valley Police Officers Praise Super Recogniser Course

Another Super Recogniser Course was held at the Thames Valley Police Training Centre near Reading (5-8 Oct).  The feedback from the students was excellent:


Police Constable, Intelligence Section – “…this was a brilliant course…(with) input from people with such expertise and knowledge.”


Police Constable, Surveillance Team – “One of the most interesting courses I have done in the Police. Great to see TVP investing in the workforce, thinking outside the box and leading the way in this field.”


Police Constable, Response Team – “An engaging and professional week with passionate speakers sharing skills and knowledge gained over many decades; a great learning opportunity.”


Detective Constable, Priority Crime Team – “The course was very good, one of the most interesting I have taken in TVP. The visiting speakers were excellent. Well worth attending if you’re interested in ID evidence”.


Detective Sergeant, CID – “It was brilliant to learn that I have a natural aptitude for facial recognition…The course demonstrated those benefits and how the skills can be used to detect crime and bring more offenders to justice…It is clear that regardless of the improvements and advances in computer facial recognition programmes human intervention remains key to use this data evidentially.”