SRI Courses - New Date & Feedback

The next on-line SRI course will be held 30th November to 2nd December. Booked via the website:

Online Super Recogniser Course & Training - SRI (

The feedback from the September course was excellent - some quotes below from students from across the globe:

Petra from Sweden – “Thank you Mike to you and the other presenters for three Super Interesting days! I am very impressed by everyone's participation and happy to have been able to listen and learn a lot. This is probably the best "Zoom-education" I've experienced. No complications, great preparations and breaks running smoothly.”

Brian from the USA - " It was a pleasure to participate in a course that was conducted by such esteemed organizers and contributors as Mike Neville MCSFS, Professor Josh Davis and others. The in-depth level of testing and information provided, assures me of the accuracy of their findings in my results and confidence when entering the field with The SRI Licensure associated with my name. "

Kristin from England – “I think considering the course was originally designed to be done in person it translated very well over zoom. All sections/topics and guest speakers were enjoyable, very interesting and covered very thoroughly considering the time restrictions…I would highly recommend this course to other would-be super recognisers.”

Christian from Germany – “…it was a really exciting two and a half days.”

Katie from Nevada, USA – “I loved it, it was worth getting up at 2am each day!”