Super Recogniser On Line Courses 2024 - Dates

It has been confirmed that the first two SRI on line courses will be run 27th - 29th February and 18th - 20th June. The objectives of the course are as follows:

·        To complete final testing to identify short term, long term and crowd identification Super Recogniser skills.

·        To ensure students have a knowledge of legal, evidential & data protection issues relating to Super Recognisers (some sections relate to UK and EU law, but generic rules will apply to all jurisdictions and US and Australian law is noted)

·        To enhance Super Recognisers with behavioural detection training.

·        To brief Super Recognisers on current threats and future crime trends.

·        To train Super Recognisers in operational tactics.

·        To test these abilities by realistic exercises.

Some feedback from the last course:  

"The course offered a great overview on both scientific and practical aspects of face recognition. I found the real-life examples of various surveillance situations and criminal and legal cases particularly useful, since I do not have a background in law enforcement or security. I appreciated that we got to learn from experienced professionals, and that we were also actively involved in exercises and encouraged to reflect on the discussed topics." 

Anna, Finland