Super Recognisers & Prosopagnosics - Who is in your team?

It is vital for those in command of law enforcement officers, border guards, security at a venue or a CCTV control room to know which of their team suffers from prosopagnosia (face blindness) or which of them are super recognisers.   This is especially the case if your role is to spot criminals or confirm identities. The Association can assist to identify these traits.

From the article: “…sufferers include…actor Brad Pitt, 59, who said prosopagnosia means “so many people hate me because they think I’m disrespecting them”. According to a study published in the journal Cortex in February, millions of us may have prosopagnosia without even knowing the condition exists. 

 Previously thought to affect between 2 -2.5 per cent of the global population, researchers at Harvard Medical School (HMS) and the VA Boston Healthcare System, who administered an online questionnaire and tests to 3,341 individuals, found prosopagnosia might actually affect as many as one in 33 people – 3.03 per cent. 

…At one end are “super recognisers”, who can instantly recall the face of a person they haven’t seen for decades. Then there are those of us who might struggle to put a name to the face of an office colleague outside the context of work. But at the other end, says Dr Shah, are people with extreme proso­pagnosia, “who can’t recognise themselves in photos”.”

See the article here: