SRI Courses - New Date & Feedback

The next on-line SRI course will be held 30th November to 2nd December. Booked via the website:

Online Super Recogniser Course & Training - SRI (

The feedback from the September course was excellent - some quotes below from students from across the globe:

Petra from Sweden – “Thank you Mike to you and the other presenters for three Super Interesting days! I am very impressed by everyone's participation and happy to have been able to listen and learn a lot. This is probably the best "Zoom-education" I've experienced. No complications, great preparations and breaks running smoothly.”

Brian from the USA - " It was a pleasure to participate in a course that was conducted by such esteemed organizers and contributors as Mike Neville MCSFS, Professor Josh Davis and others. The in-depth level of testing and information provided, assures me of the accuracy of their findings in my results and confidence when entering the field with The SRI Licensure associated with my name. "

Kristin from England – “I think considering the course was originally designed to be done in person it translated very well over zoom. All sections/topics and guest speakers were enjoyable, very interesting and covered very thoroughly considering the time restrictions…I would highly recommend this course to other would-be super recognisers.”

Christian from Germany – “…it was a really exciting two and a half days.”

Katie from Nevada, USA – “I loved it, it was worth getting up at 2am each day!”

Association Presentation Day & Live Exercise – Dates Released

Presentation Day

The Association Presentation Day will take place on Monday 29th November 2021 from 11am to 1.30pm at 86 St James’s Street, London SW1A 1PL.   All members of the Association are welcome to attend, especially those receiving licences and certificates from Lord Lingfield.     Recipients of awards can bring two guests.    All attendees and guests MUST be registered seven days before the event, by emailing

The day will include:

·         A welcome by Lord Lingfield, Chairman of the Association

·         An update on Super Recogniser research by Professor Josh Davis of Greenwich University

·         Details of deployments in 2022 by our Chief Operating Officer, Kelly Hearsey

·         Presentation of licences to those who successfully completed the Super Recogniser course

·         Presentation of certificates to those who successfully completed the “spotting suspicious behaviour” and legal elements of the course

·         Presentation of Honorary Fellowships, with details of the law enforcement and other good work which resulted in the award.  

·         Tea and cakes

Please note that there is a strict dress code at the venue.  Gentlemen must wear a lounge suit (or similar) with shirt and tie.  Ladies must be suitably attired.

Live Exercise

As those who attended on-line courses have expressed an interest in taking part in a “live” exercise, this will be run the day before on Sunday 28th November – to save attendees having to make two trips to London.  AND it gives a good reason to have a night in London!   The exercise will take place 2pm – 5pm and costs £50 to take part.  This will give all Super Recognisers the opportunity to take part in a realistic, law enforcement-style deployment.     The day will begin with a briefing on the “villains” and “terrorists” who need to be spotted URGENTLY.   The teams will then deploy to a busy area and try to find their targets….   Can the crime be stopped?   Will the Super Recognisers save the day?

Jack the Ripper Walk

AND for those who want a full two days, Mike, who is a published crime historian, will be running a Jack the Ripper walk from 7pm on the Sunday in Whitechapel……..   Cost is £10 per person.  Along the route, you will be presented with information about the various suspects, who are believed to be the infamous killer.  Perhaps Super Recognisers can solve the most famous unsolved crime in history??    We will finish with a drink in the Ten Bells Public House, which was used by several of the victims of the serial killer and, for those who are hungry, a curry in Brick Lane.   An entertaining evening – just watch out for anyone with a doctor’s bag and a top hat!

Contact Mike to book onto any of these events:

Has Automated Facial Recognition Been Beaten?

Researchers in Israel claim that they have found a method to defeat computerised automated facial recognition systems. The article states that they have “…have demonstrated a method to create "master faces," computer generated faces that act like master keys for facial recognition systems, and can impersonate several identities with what the researchers claim is a high probability of success.”

This is just another reasons for law enforcement agencies, border forces and security companies to use HUMAN super recognisers.

Read the full article here:

Researchers Create 'Master Faces' to Bypass Facial Recognition (

Thames Valley Police – More Super Recognisers Trained to Fight Crime

The Thames Valley Police (TVP) Super Recogniser Cadre has recently increased its capacity following another successful course delivered by retired Met DCI Mike Neville, the CEO of Super Recognisers International Ltd.   This a law enforcement course, with focus on the producing admissible evidence from Super Recognisers.

Police Officers and Staff completed a number of online pre-course tests to determine selection for the four-day course at TVP Police Training Centre, Sulhamstead, Berkshire – a beautiful venue.  The course included inputs on suspicious behaviour training, describing facial features, legal requirements and statement writing as well as the Super Recogniser testing provided by the University of Greenwich.

Candidates were tested on the final day of the course with a practical exercise in Reading town centre, whereby a number of ‘subjects’ were planted into a crowded shopping area and had to be picked out by the students. All of the subjects were identified, despite students only being provided with very dated photographs (some over thirty years old). An exceptional effort by the students!

Feedback from the course has been extremely positive, with comments including:
“The presentation was extremely interesting to understand the capabilities of SR and how it can be used to bring offenders to justice and help victims too.”

“Street Exercise – very interesting, thoroughly enjoyed it and one of my highlights.”

“Mike and his colleagues and the SR course was really interesting, enjoyed it immensely looking forward to see what we get deployed too!”

Detective Chief Inspector Steve Jones, of Specialist Operations noted that, “The TVP Super Recogniser Cadre are already being used to assist live investigations, and have recently deployed in support of Project Vigilant – Preventing Sexual Violence in the Night Time Economy. With the increased capacity, and a further course planned for later this year, the team are going from strength to strength!”

A bespoke course can be organised for your law enforcement agency.   For further details, email:

Partnership with National Forensic Science University of India

India is unique, as the only nation with a university dedicated to Forensic Science. Super Recognisers International Ltd has entered into an exclusive agreement with the university to offer Super Recogniser selection and training in India. Those who pass the University of Greenwich tests and the legal examination, will receive certificates from the Association.

The driving force at the university is Dr. Surbhi Mathur, Forensic Multimedia expert and Senior Assistant Professor, NFSU. Dr Mathur noted that “With a vision to identify such people an exclusive MOU was signed between National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) Forensic Sciences University and Super Recognizers International, UK on 7th of July 2021. With the MOU in effect, the country will witness a one-of-a-kind course to identify and train individuals with innate cognitive abilities to be super recognisers”.

National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU), an institute of national importance remains to be the pioneer throughout the world in the field of forensics. It is known to be a catalyst to refine the existing investigating techniques, and leads in providing training and assisting various criminal investigations in the country.

The Association is pleased that the skill of Super Recognition continues to spread across the globe.

US Super Recognizers Wanted For New Game Show

“You Bet Your Life” with Jay Leno, is a new comedy game show coming to Fox TV this fall.   The producers have recently become interested in reaching out to people with specifically interesting jobs to invite to apply to be contestants on the show. One of the jobs they mentioned was finding someone who is a super recognizer

Chosen contestants will compete to win cash and prizes by answering trivia questions. Filming will take place in Los Angeles between July and October, but contestants will only be needed for approximately 24-48 hours.

If you are a US Super Recognizer and wish to be involved, contact the Association or Mike Neville at

Improvements to Glasgow Face Matching Test

In the attached article, Dr David White, from the University of New South Wales, describes how he has improved this much used test.

Abstract from the paper:

We present an expanded version of a widely used measure of unfamiliar face matching ability, the Glasgow Face Matching Test (GFMT). The GFMT2 is created using the same source database as the original test but makes five key improvements. First, the test items include variation in head angle, pose, expression and subject-to-camera distance, making the new test more difficult and more representative of challenges in everyday face identification tasks. Second, short and long versions of the test each contain two forms that are calibrated to be of equal difficulty, allowing repeat tests to be performed to examine effects of training interventions. Third, the short-form tests contain no repeating face identities, thereby removing any confounding effects of familiarity that may have been present in the original test. Fourth, separate short versions are created to target exceptionally high performing or exceptionally low performing individuals using established psychometric principles. Fifth, all tests are implemented in an executable program, allowing them to be administered automatically. All tests are available free for scientific use via

GFMT2: A psychometric measure of face matching ability (

Police Use of Facial Recognition Deemed Unlawful in Canada

The Canadian federal police force broke the law when it used controversial facial recognition software, the country's Office of the Privacy Commissioner's (OPC) found in a report released on Thursday. This related to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and their use of Clearview AI. See the full report on the link below. This once again emphasises the need for HUMAN super recognisers to be selected and used by law enforcement agencies across the world.

Canada police broke law with facial recognition software, regulator finds (