Tactics to Defeat Computer Facial Recognition

In this fascinating article, it is clearly shown that a computer only sees a face - it does not know if it is real or not. In this study, an image of a face on a T-shirt was used to trick the computer programme. The Chief Executive of the Association has also witnessed this issue when working with Artificial Intelligence. When a test subject wore a T-shirt depicting the Beatles, the system could not function as it could only deal with one face at a time, but it was seemingly confronted with five - the real face, together with images of John, Paul, George and Ringo!

This is another reason to utilise the skills of HUMAN Super Recognisers to enhance and improve any automated facial recognition. The article can be found at this link:

Attacking Face Recognition With T-Shirts: Database, Vulnerability Assessment, and Detection | IEEE Journals & Magazine | IEEE Xplore