Successful Super Recogniser Covert Exercise Weekend

Over the weekend 3rd - 4th June, SRI Ltd ran a covert exercise, based on a terrorism scenario in central London. Super Recogniser had to spot the offenders and were then trained in covert surveillance techniques to follow them to identify their target. Students attended from the UK, USA, Germany, Israel, Austria and Bulgaria. Certificates will be presented at the Association Day later in the year.

Feedback was excellent. This is from an Austrian SR:

It was “incredibly exciting and very informative, great atmosphere… Kelly and Mike are wonderful teachers and could explain everything well, the theory in the lessons was easy to understand and important for the future work of a SR…The live exercise was very adrenaline charged, well explained, organized and realistic.”

A further course will be held in the Autumn and the next SR on line course will be held 20nd - 22nd June, where your super recognition skills can be tested and you will learn about the legal issues - surveillance, identification and data protection laws.